Yoga Clasess

Outdoor classes

Welcome to our Website of Hatha Yoga, an ancient practice that is becoming increasingly prevalent in our Western culture.

Con nuestras clases de Yoga aprenderás sobre las âsanas, sus beneficios y significado que tienen mediante ejercicios de relajación y respiración. Utilizamos las técnicas más importantes desarrolladas por los yoguis a lo largo del tiempo.

Practicar las sendas del yoga, el sentir del cuerpo y la mente, armonizarlos y ponerlos al servicio del espíritu es nuestra meta.

Yoga gives as a result the union of the individual soul with the divine, the perception that the self is spiritual and not material, and helps in giving a good alignment of the physical and mental aspects of life.Many kinds of Yoga encourage you to enjoy classes outdoors, surrounded by nature and silence. With it we will stretch the muscles, draining and oxygenating tissues, improving and maintaining health while becoming aware of our body.Weather practicing for the first time or a returning as a seasoned expert, with Hatha Yoga, each level will explore what happens inside, both physically and mentally.


Os animamos a disfrutar de una clase de yoga al aire libre rodeados de naturaleza y silencio.

Juntos lograremos estirar los músculos, drenando y oxigenando los tejidos, mejorar y mantener la salud tomando conciencia de nuestro cuerpo.

No importa si es la primera vez que practicamos yoga y si somos más o menos expertos. Cada uno con su nivel explorará lo que ocurre en su interior.

Welcome to our Website of Hatha Yoga, an ancient practice that is becoming increasingly prevalent in our Western culture.

With our Yoga classes, you will learn about Asanas postures and their benefits, through exercises, relaxation and breathing with the most important techniques developed by the Yogis over time.

Yoga helping to be at one with body and mind, harmonizing them and putting them at the service of the spirit.

Yoga gives as a result the union of the individual soul with the divine, the perception that the self is spiritual and not material, and helps in giving a good alignment of the physical and mental aspects of life.Many kinds of Yoga encourage you to enjoy classes outdoors, surrounded by nature and silence. With it we will stretch the muscles, draining and oxygenating tissues, improving and maintaining health while becoming aware of our body.Weather practicing for the first time or a returning as a seasoned expert, with Hatha Yoga, each level will explore what happens inside, both physically and mentally.

Yoga Clasess

Come and enjoy an outdoor yoga class in the fresh air surrounded by nature and tranquility (o silence). Practising yoga will allow us to stretch muscles and boost oxygen to soft tissue, improving and maintaining your health making us conscious of our body.

Wether a beginner or experienced, every individual will discover their own internal feelings.

Nuestra profesora de Yoga Patricia Marí

Después de completar su formación como profesora de yoga en la India, Patricia ofrece tanto a los isleños como a turistas por igual, hermosas clases de yoga en increíbles escenarios de Ibiza.

Trained in a broad range of styles including Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, and Meditation, Patricia leads classes to suit all tastes and experience.

Each practice offered is adapted to the level of the pupil, meaning both beginner and experienced yogi are invited to join.

Duration: 60 minutes

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